Eurachem Newsletter No 11 Winter 1996/97

The EURACHEM Executive Meeting

Eurachem Headline News
EURACHEM Executive
Executive Gives Approval to Revised Guide to EURACHEM

During the September meeting of the EURACHEM Executive in Noordwijkerhout (NL), approval was given for the updated version of A Structural Guide and Overview of EURACHEM. The document gives details about EURACHEM, its membership, structure and present activities. Subject to minor modifications, this document should shortly be available from the Secretariat, and EURACHEM's World-wide Web site.

Other topics covered at The Executive meeting included:

  • The possible publication of a paper detailing EURACHEM's role and position with respect to accreditation of analytical laboratories.
  • The approval of a formal membership application process.
  • Policy regarding EURACHEM's endorsement of documents, and the production of joint guidance documents.
Also discussed were plans for EURACHEM's 10th anniversary in either 1999 (10 years after the first EURACHEM meeting) or 2000 (10 years after the signing of the EURACHEM Memorandum of Understanding). Naturally, plans are in their infancy at present. However, more details will be given as and when they are available.

If you want further information about EURACHEM or wish to obtain a copy of the new guide to EURACHEM, please contact: The EURACHEM Secretariat

Keith Marshall
EURACHEM Secretariat

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