Eurachem Information

Eurachem Information

Information about the aims and objectives of Eurachem

Eurachem Structure

The Eurachem General Assembly

The General Assembly is the principal decision making body of Eurachem. The General Assembly consists of:

Where a vote is taken at a meeting of the General Assembly, each Full Member country has one vote, cast by its National Representatives.


The Eurachem Executive Committee

The Eurachem Executive Committee manages the affairs of EURACHEM between meetings, and prepares issues for consideration by members. The Executive Committee consists of:

  • The Chair of Eurachem
  • The Eurachem Vice Chair
  • The immediate Past Chair (“Past Chair”)
  • The Eurachem Secretary
  • The Treasurer
  • Up to six Ordinary Members as required to ensure the Executive Committee is representative of the General Assembly
  • One representative of each active Working Group

Procedures for the appointment of executive Committee members can be found on our policies page.


Eurachem Working Groups

Eurachem's technical activity is carried out by its various Working Groups. Further information on working groups can be found on our Working Group pages.


Liaison organisations

Eurachem operates a range of liaison links with other organisations. Further information about active liaisons can be found on our Liaisons pages.


Eurachem members

Eurachem currently has 34 full and 2 associate members, listed below.

Eurachem members are represented on the general Assembly by their National Representatives. Where available, countries link to their national Eurachem organisation site. Click here for a list of National Representatives.

Full members
AT Austria BE Belgium     BG Bulgaria    
CT Croatia CY Cyprus CZ Czech Republic      
DK Denmark EE Estonia EU European Commission
FI Finland FR France GE Georgia
DE Germany GR Greece HU Hungary
IS Iceland IE Ireland IT Italy
LV Latvia LT Lithuania NL Netherlands
NO Norway PL Poland PT Portugal
RO Romania SR Serbia SK Slovak Republic
SI Slovenia ES Spain SE Sweden
CH Switzerland TR new Türkiye
UA Ukraine
GB United Kingdom
Associate members
AM Republic of Armenia RU Russia    

Click here for guidelines on Eurachem membership.

Eurachem - The first ten years

Eurachem was founded in 1989, and on the occasion of the tenth General Assembly, Alex Williams, the convenor of the initial meetings set up to consider establishing a forum for traceability in analytical chemistry in Europe, presented a history of the formation and the first ten years of Eurachem.

This presentation has since been documented as a personal view of Eurachem, and provides an insight into the early development of the organisation and the reasons for its establishment. It is part of Eurachem's history.

EURACHEM – the first ten years can be downloaded as a PDF from this page.

Eurachem's 25th Anniversary - a perspective

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary, Eurachem was invited to submit review articles to the journal Accreditation and Quality Assurance (AQUAL) covering Eurachem's formation and impact in its first 25 years.

The first of these articles, by founder members Alex Williams (Chairman, Eurachem WG on Uncertainty and Traceability) and Paul De Bièvre  (Eurachem Chairman 1993 -95) is "Eurachem's 25th Anniversary: Two members' perspective" and covers some key developments in the development of an infrastructure for metrology in chemistry.

The paper is reproduced here in preprint form by kind permission of Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Download "Eurachem's 25th Anniversary: Two members' perspective" here or obtain the published AQUAL edition here.

The paper should be cited as
A Williams, P de Bievre, Accred Qual Assur (2014) 19:55–57. DOI 10.1007/s00769-014-1040-0 (

Impact of Eurachem: 25 years of activity

A second paper, "Impact of Eurachem 25 years of activity", presents collated evidence of the impact of Eurachem's activity up to the 25th anniversary in 2014. This paper, in preprint form, is also reproduced here by kind permission of Springer-Verlag.

Download "Impact of Eurachem: 25 years of activity" here or obtain the published AQUAL edition here.

This paper should be cited as:
Bertil Magnusson, Stephen L.R. Ellison, Marina Patriarca, Accred Qual Assur (2014) 19:55–57. DOI 10.1007/s00769-014-1040-0 (

Eurachem - a quick reference

What is Eurachem?

icon64Eurachem is a network of organisations in Europe, having the objective of establishing a system for the international traceability of chemical measurements and the promotion of good quality practices. It provides a forum for the discussion of common problems and for developing an informed and considered approach to both technical and policy issues.



Full membership of Eurachem is open to countries within the European Union and the European Free Trade Association, the European Commission, European countries recognised by the EU and EFTA as accession states, and European countries having an Association Agreement with the European Union. Other European countries and organisations with an interest in quality of analytical measurements may participate in Eurachem as Associate or Observer members. Eurachem currently has 36 members.

Click here for guidelines on Eurachem membership.

What does Eurachem do?

Eurachem promotes best practice in analytical measurement by producing authoritative guidance within its expert working groups, publishing guides on the web and supporting workshops  to communicate good practice. Guidance covers technical issues such as measurement uncertainty evaluation, method validation and proficiency testing.

Eurachem also works through liaisons with accreditation bodies and other organisations with interests in measurement quality to help ensure practical accreditation policies and promote sensible technical provisions in regulation.

Eurachem produces guidance documents

Find out more

more info 180

More information about Eurachem activities can be found on this website:

  • Developments within EURACHEM, and associated international issues, are reported in the EURACHEM Newsletter which is published annually and is available from the EURACHEM website.
  • Updates, new guidance and information leaflets are announced in the News section of the site and the latest updates appear on the home page.
  • Forthcoming events are listed in our Events calendar; the next few events are also listed on the home page.
  • A short history of the formation and first ten years of Eurachem is available here