
Production of Qualitative Reference Materials


Eurachem, in cooperation with CITAC, invites Reference Material Producers and other members the international analytical community to attend this free online workshop on the topic of Production of Qualitative Reference Materials.

"Qualitative" reference materials are reference materials characterised for a qualitative property, rather than a quantitative property. Qualitative values pose special problems for RM production, including the expression of confidence or uncertainty in a value, the role of metrological traceability, and in the planning and data analysis for important operations such as homogeneity and stability testing.

A recent ISO Standard, ISO 33406, gives guidance on these aspects of reference material production for RMs with qualitative properties. This workshop will present the principles of the new ISO guidance, including how the traceability and uncertainty of properties is reported. Participants will also be introduced to the evaluation and reporting of uncertainties for qualitative results in the new EURACHEM/CITAC Guide to advance the state-of-our-knowledge in this domain. Several reference material producers will share their experiences with the production of qualitative reference materials, with particular attention to the guidance presented in the new ISO 33406.


Eurachem, in cooperation with CITAC, invites Reference Material Producers and other members the international analytical community to attend this free online workshop on the topic of Production of Qualitative Reference Materials.

"Qualitative" reference materials are reference materials characterised for a qualitative property, rather than a quantitative property. Qualitative values pose special problems for RM production, including the expression of confidence or uncertainty in a value, the role of metrological traceability, and in the planning and data analysis for important operations such as homogeneity and stability testing.

A recent ISO Standard, ISO 33406, gives guidance on these aspects of reference material production for RMs with qualitative properties. This workshop will present the principles of the new ISO guidance, including how the traceability and uncertainty of properties is reported. Participants will also be introduced to the evaluation and reporting of uncertainties for qualitative results in the new EURACHEM/CITAC Guide to advance the state-of-our-knowledge in this domain. Several reference material producers will share their experiences with the production of qualitative reference materials, with particular attention to the guidance presented in the new ISO 33406.


General information

Date: 19 September 2024 12:00-16:00 CEST
Venue: Online
1st Circular [ Pending upload ]
Programme Full programme [pdf, 115 kB]
Registration Pre-registration is available HERE.





12:00 – 12:30 Opening and Introductions

  • Opening and welcome
    • Angelique Botha (NMISA; ISO TC334 Chair)
  • Introduction to EURACHEM and QAWG
    • Eugenia Totu (Eurachem Chair)
  • Introduction to CITAC
    • Zoltan Mester (CITAC Chair)
  • Introduction to ISO/TC 334 - Reference Materials
    • Angelique Botha

12:30 - 14:00 Session 1. Chair: Hendrik Emons

  • Overview of ISO 334 - Guidance for the production of RMs with qualitative properties
    • Stefanie Trapmann (EC-JRC; Chair, ISO TC334/WG 13)
  • Overview of the EURACHEM/CITAC Guide on uncertainty of qualitative analysis
    • Ricardo Bettencourt da Silva (Univ. Lisboa; Chair, Eurachem/CITAC qualitative analysis WG)
  • Discussion
    • Moderator: Hendrik Emons

14:00 - 14:15 Break

14:15 - 16:00 Session 2. Chair: Marina Patriarca

  • Production of a meat species reference material - value assignment by provenance
    • Steve Ellison (LGC)
  • Metrological challenges posed by reference materials delivering values of biological species for salmon and for the maidenhair tree
    • Antonio Possolo (NIST)
  • CRMs for testing of the presence/absence of Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin A (SEA) in cheese: IRMM-359a-c
    • Reinhard Zeleny, EC-JRC
  • Discussion
    • Moderator: Marina Patriarca

16:00 CLOSE
