Eurachem Blog

Topical articles on a range of topics.

Eurachem's sampling uncertainty guidance supports land land remediation and regeneration

Industrial site

Ecosystem restoration depends fundamentally on a sufficiently effective measurement of the current state of the ecosystem. Such measurements enable both the design of an effective method of restoration and also the monitoring of the extent to which the restoration has been effective. Contaminated land measurements often show large uncertainties arising from sampling effects, and a good understanding of the uncertainty is important for properly informed risk analysis.

Read more: Eurachem's sampling uncertainty guidance supports land land remediation and regeneration

Recursos de Eurachem en español

Don Quixote

Con el motivo de celebrar el Día de la Lengua Española de las Naciones Unidas, hemos recopilado todas nuestras guías y folletos informativos en español. | In celebration of UN Spanish Language Day, we've collected together all our Spanish-language Guides and Information Leaflets.

Read more: Recursos de Eurachem en español

How Eurachem supports Accreditation

WAcDay2020 Poster web 120hJune 9 has been designated by the International Accreditation Organizations ILAC and IAF as World Accreditation Day. This symbolic day gives the opportunity for a worldwide campaign to highlight the importance of accreditation as the highest level of reliability assessment of a laboratory’s quality infrastructure. The theme of World Accreditation Day 2020 is “Accreditation: Improving Food Safety”.

Read more: How Eurachem supports Accreditation

Food Safety: everyone’s business and Eurachem’s business as usual!

Eurachem joins the celebration of the second World Food Safety Day (7 June 2020), promoted by the UN Agencies FAO and WHO, aimed, under the theme "Food safety, everyone’s business!", to promote global food safety awareness and to inspire actions at all levels to help prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks.

Read more: Food Safety: everyone’s business and Eurachem’s business as usual!

CGPM votes unanimously to change the SI

SI redef sq smlAt 12:20 CET on November 16, 2018, CGPM, the General Conference on Weights and Measures responsible for decisions on the systeme internationale, voted unanimously to move the foundations of physical and chemical measurement.

The CGPM met, at an open meeting at the Palais des Congrès, Versailles, to discuss and vote on the re-definition of four of the SI’s seven base units: the mole, the ampere, the kelvin, and the kilogram.
This change, which came into effect on World Metrology Day (20th May) 2019, is perhaps the most fundamental change in the SI since its inception. For the first time, the SI will be defined entirely in terms of fundamental physical constants, instead of requiring the maintenance of a physical artefact.

Read more: CGPM votes unanimously to change the SI