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New guide: Validation of measurement procedures that include sampling

Vampis converge txt outThe Eurachem Sampling Uncertainty Working Group and the Method Validation Working group are pleased to announce the release of a new guide on "Validation of measurement procedures that include sampling" (VaMPIS). The new Guide is a supplement to existing Eurachem guidance on “The Fitness for Purpose of Analytical Methods” (FPAM) and “Measurement Uncertainty arising from Sampling”. The overall aim is to extend the concept of 'validation of a measurement procedure' to include primary sampling and physical sample preparation within the validation process.

The new guide shows how to validate a measuring procedure that includes primary sampling and, where relevant, primary sample preparation. Two worked examples are provided to demonstrate how VaMPIS can be applied to both ex situ analysis in a laboratory of an extracted sample, and also to in situ analysis made 'in the field', without extracting a physical sample. Guidance is also given on the management and QC issues that are needed in order to integrate the sampling and the analytical steps

The guide is available at no charge from the Eurachem website.

Download the guide here >>