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The Second circular for the Eurachem 2017 Workshop "Uncertainty in Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis" is now available. The workshop will be held in conjunction with the Eurachem GA in Nicosia, Cyprus, on the 20th anniversary of Cyprus' membership of Eurachem.
Download the circular here >>
Thanks to our colleagues in Finland, the Eurachem Information leaflet "Selecting the right PT scheme for my laboratory" is now available in Finnish, bringing the number of different language versions to ten.
Download the leaflet here >>
Thanks to the continued hard work of Dr Mohammad Rahmani, of Iran, the Eurachem guide "Selection, Use and Interpretation of Proficiency Testing (PT) Schemes by Laboratories" is now available for download from the Eurachem site in Farsi.
Download the translation here >>
The first circular for the Eurachem 2017 Workshop "Uncertainty in Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis" is now available. The workshop will be held in conjunction with the Eurachem GA in Nicosia, Cyprus, on the 20th anniversary of Cyprus' membership of Eurachem.
Thanks to our Eurachem-DE colleagues, the Eurachem information leaflet, "Using repeated measurements to improve the standard uncertainty" is now additionally available in German.
Eurachem has extended the closing date for feedback on the guide ‘Terminology in Analytical Measurement – Introduction to VIM 3’ . The guide was published in 2011. Eurachem guides are reviewed five years after publication to assess the need for revision. As part of this process the Education and
The Eurachem Information Leaflet, "You talk, we understand – The way out of the tower of Babel" is now additionally available in Romanian. The leaflet describes the importance of consistent terminology for measurement.
Download the new translation here >>
The conference website for the 9th International Workshop - Proficiency Testing in Analytical Chemistry, Microbiology and Laboratory Medicine is now live. See the event page on this site or the workshop website at for further details.
Thanks to further hard work by Dr Mohammad Rahmani, of Iran, the Eurachem guide "Setting and Using Target Uncertainty in Chemical Measurement" is now available for download from the Eurachem site in Farsi.
The first circular for the 9th Eurachem International Workshop on Proficiency Testing is now available. The workshop is organized in association with EQALM and CITAC and will be held in Portorož, Slovenia during October 2017.
Download the first circular here >>
The Eurachem Information Leaflet, "You talk, we understand – The way out of the tower of Babel" is now additionally available in Turkish. The leaflet describes the importance of consistent terminology for measurement.
Download the translations here >>
The guide ‘Terminology in Analytical Measurement – Introduction to VIM 3’ was published in 2011. Eurachem guides are reviewed five years after publication to assess the need for revision. As part of this process the Education and Training Working Group is seeking feedback from users of the
The Eurachem Information Leaflet, "You talk, we understand – The way out of the tower of Babel" is now additionally available in German. The leaflet describes the importance of consistent terminology for measurement.
The Eurachem Education and Training group is pleased to add a further translation of the information leaflet, "You talk, we understand – The way out of the tower of Babel". The leaflet is now additionally available in Czech.
Thanks again to the hard work of Dr Mohammad Rahmani, of Iran, the Eurachem guide "Use of uncertainty information in compliance assessment" is now available for download from the Eurachem site in Farsi.
Thanks to Dr Mohammad Rahmani, of Iran, the complete Eurachem guide "The Fitness for Purpose of Analytical Methods" is now available for download from the Eurachem site in Farsi.
Download the guide here >>
Thanks to our colleagues in Spain, the recent second edition of the Eurachem guide "The Fitness for Purpose of Analytical Methods" is now additionally available from this website in Spanish.
Thanks to our colleagues in Ukraine, the recent second edition of the Eurachem guide "The Fitness for Purpose of Analytical Methods" is now available from this website in Ukrainian. A Russian version is also available on request.
Thanks to our colleagues in Cyprus, the Eurachem information leaflet, "Using repeated measurements to improve the standard uncertainty" is now available in Greek.
Thanks to the work of our Italian and Swedish members, the Eurachem Information Leaflet, "You talk, we understand – The way out of the tower of Babel" is now additionally available in Swedish and Italian. The leaflet describes the importance of consistent terminology for measurement.
Download the
Thanks to our colleagues in Germany, the Eurachem Information leaflet "Selecting the right PT scheme for my laboratory" is now available in German.
Download the leaflet >>>
Thanks to Dr Mohammad Rahmani, of Iran, the complete Eurachem guide "Measurement uncertainty arising from sampling" is now available for download from the Eurachem site in Farsi.
Thanks to our colleages in Spain and the Ukraine, the Information Leaflet "Using repeated measurements to improve the standard uncertainty" is now availabe in both of these Eurachem Member languages.
Download the leaflet and translations here >>
The third circular for the Eurachem workshop Method Validation in Analytical Science is now available, with an extended poster abstract deadline. The workshop will be on May 9-10 2016. The focus is on in-house method validation in analytical science applied in different fields such as
Thanks to our Czech Eurachem colleagues, the Eurachem leaflet "Selecting the right proficiency testing scheme for my laboratory" is now additionally available in Czech.
The Eurachem Education and Training working group has released a new information leaflet, "You talk, we understand – The way out of the tower of Babel". The leaflet highlights some terms which are commonly confused or misunderstood and introduces the Eurachem Guide on Terminology in Analytical
The Autumn 2015 Eurachem Newsletter is now available to download in PDF format. Printed copies will also be available through National members.
Previous newsletters can be found on the Newsletter page.
The Eurachem measurement uncertainty and traceability working group has released a new information leaflet, "Using repeated measurements to improve the standard uncertainty", covering the often thorny subject of when, and when not, to divide by sqrt(n) in order to calculate the standard
A date for the calendar: The next Eurachem International Workshop on Proficiency Testing and External Quality Assurance will be in Portorosz on 9-12 October 2017.
The Eurachem/CITAC Measurement uncertainty and traceability working group has issued a new guide on "Setting and Using Target Uncertainty in Chemical Measurement".
The new guide describes how to set a maximum admissible uncertainty, defined in the third edition of the International Vocabulary of
The second circular for the Eurachem workshop Method Validation in Analytical Science is now available. The workshop will be on May 9-10 2016. The focus is on in-house method validation in analytical science applied in different fields such as environment, food, health, forensics, pharmaceuticals and
Thanks to our French colleagues, the Eurachem Information Leaflet "Selecting the right proficiency testing scheme for my laboratory" is now additionally available in French.
Thanks to a great effort by our Spanish colleagues, the Eurachem Guide "Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement" (3rd edition) is now available in Spanish.
Thanks to our Spanish and Swedish colleagues, the Eurachem Information leaflet "Selecting the right proficiency testing scheme for my laboratory" is now additionally available in Spanish and Swedish.
Eurachem news and announcements can now be followed on Twitter. Our PT and Events feeds, @eurachempt and @EurachemEvents will also be providing more specific updates.
Follow @EurachemEurope
Thanks to our Hungarian colleagues, the Eurachem Information Leaflet entitled "How can proficiency testing help my laboratory?" has now been additionally translated into Hungarian, bringing the total to 14 languages. All language versions be downloaded here.
Other information leaflets can be
Thanks to our italian colleagues, the Eurachem Information Leaflet "Selecting the right proficiency testing scheme for my laboratory" is now available in Italian.
Eurachem will be running a workshop on Method Validation in Analytical Science on May 9-10 2016. The focus is on in-house method validation in analytical science applied in different fields such as environment, food, health, forensics, pharmaceuticals and microbiology.
The first circular and
The EURACHEM Proficiency Testing Working Group has produced an information leaflet to help laboratories select the most appropriate proficiency testing schemes. Several PT schemes are often available for the same area of testing, so this leaflet focuses on key questions that can help laboratories
Thanks to our colleagues in Turkey, the Eurachem leaflet "Use of uncertainty information in compliance assessment" is now additionally available in Turkish.
Download the leaflet here >>>
The Eurachem PT working group has released a new, French, translation of the information leaflet "Pre- and Post-analytical PT", bringing the number of language versions of this leaflet to 15. The translations can be downloaded here.
Other information leaflets can be found under 'Information
Thanks to our Eurachem colleagues in Ukraine, the Eurachem guide to terminology: "Terminology in Analytical Measurement: Introduction to VIM 3" is now available in Ukrainian.
Download the guide here in four languages >>>
The Autumn 2014 Eurachem Newsletter is now available to download in PDF format. Printed copies will also be available through National members.
The Eurachem Information Leaflet entitled "How can proficiency testing help my laboratory?" has now been additionally translated into French, bringing the total to 14 languages. All 14 language versions be downloaded here.
Other information leaflets can be found under 'Information leaflets'.
The Eurachem method validation working group has released a completely revised and updated edition of the Eurachem guide "The fitness for purpose of analytical methods".
First published in 1998, this guide gives general guidance on within-laboratory method validation. The new edition includes
The Eurachem Information Leaflet entitled "How can proficiency testing help my laboratory?" has now been additionally translated into Finnish and German, bringing the total to 13 languages. All 13 language versions be downloaded here.
The Eurachem Information Leaflet entitled "How can proficiency testing help my laboratory?" has now been translated into a further 10 languages: all 11 language versions be downloaded here.
The Eurachem Education and Training Working Group has prepared a reading list containing references to documents relating to all aspects of metrology in chemistry, with a particular focus on quality assurance. While not intended to be a comprehensive list of all publications relating to quality in
The second circular for the forthcoming Eurachem/EQALM International Workshop on Proficiency Testing in Analytical Chemistry, Microbiology and Laboratory Medicine is now available on this site and on the workshop website. Early registration discounts end on 15 may 2014.
To help mark Eurachem's 25th anniversary, Eurachem has published two papers on the history of Eurachem's formation and on the impact of Eurachem in the 25 years since its formation. The two papers can be found on the 'Eurachem History and Impact' page.
Eurachem is pleased to announce an international workshop on "Quality in Analytical Measurements" to be held in Lisbon on Monday 19 to Wednesday 21 May 2014. This workshop will cover the chemical description of the analytical problem, producing measurements with adequate traceability and
The second circular for the Eurachem international workshop on "Quality in Analytical Measurements" is now available to download. The workshop, to be held in Lisbon on Monday 19 to Wednesday 21 May 2014, will cover the chemical description of the analytical problem, traceability, measurement
The Eurachem Workshop on Quality Assurance of Measurements from Field to Laboratory was held at MIKES, Finland on 20-21 May in 2013. Presentations and a summary of the workshop are now available on the workshop page.
The latest Eurachem Newsletter is now available to download in PDF format. Printed copies will also be available through National members.
The Eurachem PT working group has released a new Eurachem information leaflet entitled "How can proficiency testing help my laboratory?". The English edition can be downloaded here.
The Eurachem Workshop on Quality Assurance of Measurements from Field to Laboratory will be held in Finland on 20-21 May in 2013. The topics of the workshop focus on two main subjects: on challenges of measurements related to nanotechnology and on challenges related to on-site/on-line
The Eurachem Education and Training Working Group (E&T WG) has initiated a survey of training providers and users to collect information on the state of education and training in metrology in analytical science in different member states. This will help the working group facilitate the
IUPAC has issued a provisional recommendation entitled "Vocabulary for Nominal Properties and Nominal Examinations - Basic and General Concepts and Associated Terms" for public comment. The closing date for comment is 30 November 2012. A description of the document, a copy of the provisional
The Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology has launched a survey to seek opinions on the VIM and the GUM. Eurachem members should visit the survey website to respond.
The Eurachem Measurement Uncertainty and Traceability Working Group is pleased to announce the publication of the Third Edition of the Eurachem/CITAC Guide "Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement".
Eurachem has issued a new edition of its existing guide "Accreditation for microbiology laboratories". The guide, produced primarily in collaboration with the EA Laboratory Committee, provides microbiological laboratories with information and guidance on fulfilling the requirements of ISO/IEC
The programme for the workshop "Method validation, Traceability and Measurement uncertainty" at BAM, Berlin on 21-22 May 2012 is now available. The programme and other workshop details are available for download on the workshop information page.
The deadline for poster submissions has also been
The presentations given at the the workshop "Method validation, Traceability and Measurement uncertainty" at BAM, Berlin on 21-22 May 2012 are now available on the workshop information page.
The presentations given at the workshop "Key Challenges in Internal Quality Control" at BAM, Berlin on 10-11 October 2012 are now available on the workshop summary page.
The Education and Training working group has issued the second circular for the Internal Quality Control workshop in October 2012. The 2nd circular includes the programme for the event. More details can be found on the workshop information page.
Registrations for the 2012 Eurachem General Assembly and the associated workshop on Method validation, Traceability and Measurement Uncertainty in May 2012 are now open. Further details can be found at the links below
All the presentations, poster summaries and working group discussion summaries for the Eurachem/EQALM 7th international workshop on PT, held in October 2011, are now available here.
The Eurachem/Eurolab/EA (EEE) Proficiency Testing Working Group has released a revised edition of its well-known guide "Selection, Use and Interpretation of Proficiency Testing (PT) Schemes". Developed in conjunction with EQUALM, the new edition brings the Guide up to date on current terminology and best
To support discussion at the Eurachem/CITAC Workshop "Recent developments in Measurement Uncertainty", the Eurachem/CITAC measurement Uncertainty and Traceability Working Group have released a first discussion draft of the proposed revision of "Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical measurement".
Eurachem's Education and Training working group has issued a new guide to terminology: "Terminology in Analytical Measurement: Introduction to VIM 3".
Eurachem has substantially upgraded its popular website to bring the look of the site up to date and to add an impressive new range of features.