
Ensuring reliable and accurate results of analytical processes


The analytical process spans from sampling over sample preparation to the actual measurement process. All these steps contribute to the measurement uncertainty of the result. Reliable and accurate results are subsequently interpreted and further used. At this International Workshop, leading international and Swiss experts shared their current practices, latest developments and challenges across the analytical process.

The workshop attracted 80 participants from 4 continents and 24 countries.

Available presentations and posters can be found in the Programme and Posters sections below. Refereed papers papers related to the event are available in a special online Collection hosted by the journal Accreditation and Quality Assurance (see


The analytical process spans from sampling over sample preparation to the actual measurement process. All these steps contribute to the measurement uncertainty of the result. Reliable and accurate results are subsequently interpreted and further used. At this International Workshop, leading international and Swiss experts shared their current practices, latest developments and challenges across the analytical process.

The workshop attracted 80 participants from 4 continents and 24 countries.

Available presentations and posters can be found in the Programme and Posters sections below. Refereed papers papers related to the event are available in a special online Collection hosted by the journal Accreditation and Quality Assurance (see


Workshop information

Date: 22-23 May 2023, 09:00 - 16:00
Venue: Federal Institute of Metrology METAS, Lindenweg 50, 30303 Wabern adjacent to Bern.
Website:  (active from January 10th)
Information: First circular (pdf, 2.9 Mb)
Registration: Registration for this event is closed.

Workshop Themes

The workshop covered:

  • Method validation
  • Equipment and Software validation
  • Internal and external quality controls
  • Uncertainty and Traceability of results

The workshop, hosted by METAS, the Swiss national metrology institute, was intended for anyone involved in analytical processes, including laboratory quality laboratory technicians and managers; measurement instrument manufacturers, representatives of accreditation authorities, metrology institutes and standardisation bodies; technical assessors as well as customers of laboratory services.


Scientific Programme

Programme and Abstracts


Day 1 22 May 2023

09:00 – 09:15 Opening of the Workshop

Welcome addresses

09:15 – 11:30 Session 1 – Method validation

Chair: Lorens P. Sibbesen, Lab Quality International

11:30 – 12:30 Poster Session or Guided laboratory tour

13:15 – 15:30 Session 2 – Equipment and Software validation

Chair: Christoph Jansen, Mettler Toledo Analytical


16:00 – 17:00 Poster Session or Guided laboratory tour


Day 2 23 May 2023

09.00 – 09.15 Opening, Day 2

  • Welcome to METAS 2nd day
    • Hanspeter Andres, Vice Director, METAS

09:15 – 11:30 Session 3 – Internal and external quality controls

Chair: Hanspeter Andres, METAS

11:30 – 12:15 Poster Session or Guided laboratory tour

13:15 – 15:30 Session 4 – Uncertainty and Traceability of results

Chair: Evaldas Naujalis, FTMC

16:00 End of the Workshop


Poster session



