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Eurachem 35th General Assembly celebrates Eurachem 30th Anniversary

tnTartuTightCropOn the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Eurachem, 35 delegates from 22 countries attended the 35th General Assembly in Tartu (Estonia) on 23-24 May 2019. The event was kindly organised by Prof. Ivo Leito and Dr. Riin Rebane (University of Tartu, AKKI).

In celebration of Eurachem's 30th anniversary, Dr. Alex Williams, co-founder and Honorary Life Member of Eurachem, described to an attentive audience how Eurachem was born and developed over the years.

The Eurachem general Assembly regularly features a technical Discussion Forum. On this occasion, the Forum Discussion focused on the topic of “Metrological Traceability of Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis”, presented by the Chairs of the Measurement Uncertainty and Traceability Working Group and the Qualitative Analysis Working Group.

EurachemChairs30th250The revised versions of the Eurachem Guides “Metrological Traceability in Chemical Measurement” and “Measurement Uncertainty Arising from Sampling” were presented to the GA members. Eurachem Full Membership was extended by GA vote to European countries having an Association Agreement with the European Union: Georgia, Serbia and Ukraine were welcomed as Eurachem Full Members. In addition, Fenelab (The Netherlands) application for membership was also approved. Besides national members’ reports, the delegates received information on the current activities of the Eurachem WGs, of the EC JRC and of several Eurachem Liaisons and Stakeholders (CITAC, EA LC, EuChemS, Euramet TC-MC, ILAC/LC and ILAC/AIC, JCTLM, ISO REMCO and NMKL).

Eurachem appoints Executive Committee members for fixed terms. Eugenia Eftimie Totu (Romania) and Bertil Magnusson (Sweden) were re-elected as members of the Executive Committee and Francesca Rolle, Eurachem Secretary, was confirmed as Treasurer for 2019. Caroline Laurent (France) was appointed as financial examiner for 2019-20. After all this hard work, GA participants enjoyed a pleasant dinner at the restaurant “Polpo”! Many thanks to the organisers and to all Eurachem Members, Liaisons and Stakeholders for their contribution to this successful meeting!

Marina Patriarca
Eurachem Chair