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Bibliography of Proficiency Testing and EQA publications (2007)
NOTE: This list is no longer maintained and is held for historical reference only. The PT bibliography has been superseded by the Eurachem Reading List, which includes a section on proficiency testing
This list of publications concerning PT/EQA was compiled by the EURACHEM Proficiency Testing Working Group (EPTWG) to provide a listing of such publications in a single source. The document is not exhaustive. References from 1996-2006 are included and are listed alphabetically, by the first author, for each year.
The Bibliography
- Becker, R., Buge, H.-G., Bremser, W., Nehls, I.;
Mineral oil content in sediments and soils: Comparability, traceability and a certified reference material for quality assurance
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 385 (2006) 645-651 - Boley, N., Van Der Veen, A.M.H., Robouch, P., Golze, M., Van De Kreeke, J., Ornemark, U., Tylee, B.;
Comparability of PT schemes - What did we learn from COEPT?
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 11 (2006) 391-399 - Brookman, B., Majcen, N.;
Proficiency testing workshop - A key triennial event
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 11 (2006) 371-372 - Davidson, C.M., Urquhart, G.J., Ajmone-Marsan, F., Biasioli, M., da Costa Duarte, A., Diaz-Barrientos, E., Grcman, H., Hossack, I., Hursthouse, A.S., Madrid, L., Rodrigues, S., Zupan, M.;
Fractionation of potentially toxic elements in urban soils from five European cities by means of a harmonised sequential extraction procedure
Analytica Chimica Acta, 565 (2006) 63-72 - Detaille, R., Maetz, P.;
Practical uses of proficiency testing as valuable tools for validation and performance assessment in environmental analysis
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 11 (2006) 408-413 - Drolc, A., Cotman, M., Ros, M., Majcen, N.;
Measurement traceability and its role in proficiency testing schemes - A case study for wastewater analysis in Slovenia
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 11 (2006) 455-461 - Dutt, J.S.N., Livingstone, C., Cardosi, M.F., Wilkins, S.J., Davis, J.;
A clinical assessment of direct electrochemical urate measurements
Talanta, 68 (2006) 1463-1468 - Elliot, N.L., Bickel, G.A., Linauskas, S.H., Paterson, L.M.;
Determination of femtogram quantities of 239Pu and 240Pu in bioassay samples by thermal ionization mass spectrometry
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 267 (2006) 637-650 - Farre, M., Martinez, E., Hernando, M.-D., Fernandez-Alba, A., Fritz, J., Unruh, E., Mihail, O., Sakkas, V., Morbey, A., Albanis, T., Brito, F., Hansen, P.D., Barcelo, D.;
European ring exercise on water toxicity using different bioluminescence inhibition tests based on Vibrio fischeri, in support to the implementation of the water framework directive
Talanta, 69 (2006) 323-333 - Gluschke, M.;
QUASIMEME results of laboratories involved in the German Marine Monitoring Programme for the North and Baltic Seas
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 11 (2006) 470-473 - Govaert, Y., Arisseto, A., Van Loco, J., Scheers, E., Fraselle, S., Weverbergh, E., Degroodt, J.M., Goeyens, L.;
Optimisation of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric method for the determination of acrylamide in foods
Analytica Chimica Acta, 556 (2006) 275-280 - Heydorn, K.;
The determination of an accepted reference value from proficiency data with stated uncertainties
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 10 (2006) 479-484 - Hurtaud-Pessel, D., Verdon, E., Blot, J., Sanders, P.;
Proficiency study for the determination of nitrofuran metabolites in shrimps
Food Additives and Contaminants, 23 (2006) 569-578 - Kisets, D.;
Performance indication improvement for a proficiency testing
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 10 (2006) 461-465 - Kuselman, I.;
Nonparametric assessment of comparability of analytical results obtained in proficiency testing based on a metrological approach
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 10 (2006) 659-663 - Kuselman, I.;
Comparability of analytical results obtained in proficiency testing based on a metrological approach
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 10 (2006) 466-470 - Leon, V.M., Llorca-Porcel, J., A;lvarez, B., Cobollo, M.A., Munoz, S., Valor, I.;
Analysis of 35 priority semivolatile compounds in water by stir bar sorptive extraction-thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - Part II: Method validation
Analytica Chimica Acta, 558 (2006) 261-266 - Libeer, J.-C.;
Virtual microscopy: Revolutionary means for EQAS in a near future
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 11 (2006) 430-434 - Monnery, K.;
Experiences from the assessment of proficiency testing providers
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 11 (2006) 385-387 - Ornemark, U., Nilsson, E., Nordin, G., Egberg, N., Lindahl, T.L., Hillarp, A., Stigendahl, L., Fagerberg, I.;
Calibration services in the frame of accredited coagulation EQA schemes - Meeting the IVD directive
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 11 (2006) 451-454 - Patriarca, M., Chiodo, F., Castelli, M., Menditto, A.;
Estimates of uncertainty of measurement from proficiency testing data: A case study
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 11 (2006) 474-480 - Petersson, E.V., Rosen, J., Turner, C., Danielsson, R., Hellenas, K.-E.;
Critical factors and pitfalls affecting the extraction of acrylamide from foods: An optimisation study
Analytica Chimica Acta, 557 (2006) 287-295 - Russell, A.J., Ornemark, U., Hard, L., Nordin, G.;
Accreditation of PT providers - Is it worth the money?
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 11 (2006) 388-390 - Schilling, P., Powilleit, M., Uhlig, S.;
Macrozoobenthos interlaboratory comparison on taxonomical identification and counting of marine invertebrates in artificial sediment samples including testing various statistical methods of data evaluation
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 11 (2006) 422-429 - Schilling, P., Powilleit, M., Uhlig, S.;
Chlorophyll-a determination: Results of an interlaboratory comparison
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 11 (2006) 462-469 - Schmidt, A., Ornemark, U., Golze, M., Henriksen, G.M.;
Surveys on the accreditation of providers of proficiency testing and external quality assessment schemes
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 11 (2006) 379-384 - Sugita-Konishi, Y., Tanaka, T., Nakajima, M., Fujita, K., Norizuki, H., Mochizuki, N., Takatori, K.;
The comparison of two clean-up procedures, multifunctional column and immunoaffinity column, for HPLC determination of ochratoxin A in cereals, raisins and green coffee beans
Talanta, 69 (2006) 650-655 - Svegl, F., Strupi, J.S., Svegl, I.G.;
Proficiency testing of chloride content in different types of Portland cement
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 11 (2006) 414-421 - Senyuva, H.Z., Gilbert, J.;
Assessment of the performance of pesticide-testing laboratories world-wide through proficiency testing
TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 25 (2006) 554-562 - Taylor, A., Angerer, J., Arnaud, J., Claeys, F., Jones, R.L., Mazarrasa, O., Mairiaux, E., Menditto, A., Parsons, P.J., Patriarca, M., Pineau, A., Valkonen, S., Weber, J.-P., Weykamp, C.;
Quality specifications for evaluation and comparison of performance among external quality assessment schemes in occupational and environmental laboratory medicine
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 11 (2006) 440-445 - Taylor, A., Angerer, J., Arnaud, J., Claeys, F., Jones, R.L., Mazarrasa, O., Mairiaux, E., Menditto, A., Parsons, P.J., Patriarca, M., Pineau, A., Valkonen, S., Weber, J.-P., Weykamp, C.;
Occupational and environmental laboratory medicine: A network of EQAS organisers
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 11 (2006) 435-439 - Tholen, D., Chappel, R., Francis, B.;
Use of participant EQA results to assess sample homogeneity and stability for qualitative analytes
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 11 (2006) 400-407 - Thompson, M.;
Using mixture models for bump-hunting in the results of proficiency tests
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 10 (2006) 501-505 - Thompson, M.;
The variance of a consensus
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 10 (2006) 574-575 - Thompson, M., Ellison, S.L., Owen, L., Mathieson, K., Powell, J., Key, P., Wood, R., Damant, A.P.;
Scoring in genetically modified organism proficiency tests based on log-transformed results.
Journal of AOAC International., 89 (2006) 232-239 - Thompson, M., Ellison, S.L.R.;
Fitness for purpose - The integrating theme of the revised Harmonised Protocol for Proficiency Testing in Analytical Chemistry Laboratories
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 11 (2006) 373-378 - Van Berkel, E., Boley, N., Ellison, S., Libeer, J.-C., Makinen, I., Sandberg, S., Tholen, D., Tylee, B., Weykamp, C.;
Proficiency testing in analytical chemistry, microbiology and laboratory medicine - Working group discussions on current status, problems and future directions
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 11 (2006) 446-450 - Visser, R.G.;
Interpretation of interlaboratory comparison results to evaluate laboratory proficiency
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 10 (2006) 521-526 - Wells, D.E., De Boer, J.;
Evaluation of the quality of measurement of organochlorine contaminants in the marine environment: The QUASIMEME experience
TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 25 (2006) 350-363 - Wenzl, T., Simon, R., Anklam, E., Kleiner, J.;
Analytical methods for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in food and the environment needed for new food legislation in the European Union
TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 25 (2006) 716-725 - Weykamp, C.;
The Internet: The way forward for PT/EQA
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 11 (2006) 481-483 - van der Wielen, J.C.A., Jansen, J.T.A., Martena, M.J., De Groot, H.N., In't Veld, P.H.;
Determination of the level of benzo[a]pyrene in fatty foods and food supplements
Food Additives and Contaminants, 23 (2006) 709-714 - Ageyev, V.A., Odintsov, O.O., Sajeniouk, A.D.;
Routine radiochemical method for the determination of 90Sr, 238Pu, 239+240Pu, 241Am and 244Cm in environmental samples
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 264 (2005) 337-342 - Esseiva, P., Anglada, F., Dujourdy, L., Taroni, F., Margot, P., Pasquier, E.D., Dawson, M., Roux, C., Doble, P.;
Chemical profiling and classification of illicit heroin by principal component analysis, calculation of inter sample correlation and artificial neural networks
Talanta, 67 (2005) 360-367 - Gaudin, V., Cadieu, N., Sanders, P.;
Results of a European proficiency test for the detection of streptomycin/dihydrostreptomycin, gentamicin and neomycin in milk by ELISA and biosensor methods
Analytica Chimica Acta, 529 (2005) 273-283 - Ghosh, P., Patecki, M., Rothe, M., Brand, W.A.;
Calcite-CO2 mixed into CO2-free air: A new CO 2-in-air stable isotope reference material for the VPDB scale
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 19 (2005) 1097-1119 - Hess, P., Morris, S., Stobo, L.A., Brown, N.A., McEvoy, J.D.G., Kennedy, G., Young, P.B., Slattery, D., McGovern, E., McMahon, T., Gallacher, S.;
LC-UV and LC-MS methods for the determination of domoic acid
TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 24 (2005) 358-367 - Hintelmann, H., Nguyen, H.T.;
Extraction of methylmercury from tissue and plant samples by acid leaching
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 381 (2005) 360-365 - Jovanovic, M.;
Comparative analysis of laboratory accreditation in Bulgaria, Lithuania, Slovakia and Serbia and Montenegro
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 10 (2005) 125-129 - Juhel-Gaugain, M., Fourmond, M.-P., Delepine, B., Laurentie, M., Roudaut, B., Sanders, P.;
European proficiency testing of national reference laboratories for the confirmation of sulfonamide residues in muscle and milk
Food Additives and Contaminants, 22 (2005) 221-233 - Konieczka, P., Linsinger, T.P.J., Zygmunt, B., Namiesnik, J.;
Determination of PCBs in river sediment samples-proficiency test for selected Polish laboratories
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 10 (2005) 241-251 - Lehotay, S.J., De Kok, A., Hiemstra, M., Van Bodegraven, P.;
Validation of a fast and easy method for the determination of residues from 229 pesticides in fruits and vegetables using gas and liquid chromatography and mass spectrometric detection
Journal of AOAC International, 88 (2005) 595-614 - Maroto, A., Boque, R., Riu, J., Ruisanchez, I., Odena, M.;
Uncertainty in aflatoxin B1 analysis using information from proficiency tests
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 382 (2005) 1562-1566 - Murty, M.R.V.S., Prabhakar, S., Lakshmi, V.V.S., Vijaya Saradhi, U.V.R., Jagadeshwar Reddy, T., Vairamani, M.;
Mass spectral of chloropicrin under negative ion chemical ionization conditions
Analytical Chemistry, 77 (2005) 3406-3410 - Naseem, R., Tahir, S.S., Ul Haq, A., Saeed, K.;
An inter-laboratory comparison study for the determination of copper and lead from the wastewater of printed circuit board manufacturing industry in Pakistan
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 10 (2005) 362-368 - Ortiz, M.C., Herrero, A., Sanllorente, S., Reguera, C.;
Robust and non-parametric statistics in the evaluation of figures of merit of analytical methods. Practices for students
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 382 (2005) 320-327 - Owen, L.M., Castle, L., Kelly, J., Wilson, L., Lloyd, A.S.;
Acrylamide analysis: Assessment of results from six rounds of food analysis performance assessment scheme (FAPAS®) proficiency testing
Journal of AOAC International, 88 (2005) 285-291 - Palit, M., Pardasani, D., Gupta, A.K., Shakya, P., Dubey, D.K.;
Microsynthesis and electron ionisation mass spectrometric analysis of chemical weapons convention (CWC)-related O,O-dialkyl-N,N- dialkylphosphoramidates
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 381 (2005) 477-486 - Pardasani, D., Palit, M., Gupta, A.K., Shakya, P., Sekhar, K., Dubey, D.K.;
Sample preparation of organic liquid for off-site analysis of chemical weapons convention related compounds
Analytical Chemistry, 77 (2005) 1172-1176 - Pueyo, M., Sahuquillo, A., Rigol, A., Lopez-Sanchez, J.F., Rauret, G.;
A new quality control soil material for monitoring trace metals in accidentally polluted areas
Analytica Chimica Acta, 533 (2005) 41-49 - Snell, J.P., Quetel, C.R.;
SI-traceable certification of methylmercury amount content in a tuna material
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 20 (2005) 447-454 - Wenzl, T., Anklam, E.;
Evaluation of results of an interlaboratory comparison test on determination of acrylamide in crispbread samples
Journal of AOAC International, 88 (2005) 1413-1418 - Wickremsinhe, E.R., Ackermann, B.L., Chaudhary, A.K.;
Validating regulatory-compliant wide dynamic range bioanalytical assays using chip-based nanoelectrospray tandem mass spectrometry
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 19 (2005) 47-56 - Wong, S.K.;
Evaluation of the use of consensus values in proficiency testing programmes
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 10 (2005) 409-414 - Wright, C., Davenport, E.J., Kan-King-Yu, D., Jefferies, D., Cubberley, R., Lalljie, S.P.D.;
Inter-laboratory comparison of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in bleaching earth used in the refinement of edible oils
Food Additives and Contaminants, 22 (2005) 716-725 - Al-Masri, M.S., Shakhashiro, A., Amin, A.Y.;
Method validation procedures for environmental radiochemical measurements at AECS
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 361-368 - Arikan, P., Acar, O., Acar, R., Aycik, G.A., Cetiner, M.A., Demirel, H., Efe, N., Golge, T., Gurellier, R., Kirmaz, R., Tulumen, S., Yucel, H., Zararsiz, A., Agus, Y.;
Establishment of a quality system for nuclear analytical laboratories
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 259 (2004) 391-394 - Bleise, A., Smodis, B.;
IAEA quality control studies on determining trace elements in bioindicators
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 259 (2004) 425-429 - Boley, N.;
Uses and abuses of PT
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 633-634 - Boone, D.J.;
Is it safe to have a laboratory test?
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 10 (2004) 5-9 - Brookman, B., Papadakis, I., Squirrell, A., Evans, S., Ellison, S., Ornemark, U., Boley, N., Schmidt, A., Van Berkel, E., Tylee, B., Noble, M., Koch, M., Tholen, D.;
Proficiency testing in analytical chemistry, microbiology and laboratory medicine: Working group discussions on current practice and future directions
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 635-641 - Buschmann, A., Ziegler, U., Groschup, M.H.;
Standardization of BSE rapid test performances and experiences gathered during the implementation of large-scale testing
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 191-197 - Castle, L., Macarthur, R., Mead, E.M., Read, W.A.;
Measurement uncertainty associated with overall migration testing
Food Additives and Contaminants, 21 (2004) 256-264 - Desimoni, E.;
About CCα and CCβ as introduced by the Commission Decision of 12 August 2002 implementing Council Directive 96/23/EC
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 724-725 - Gergov, M., Weinmann, W., Meriluoto, J., Uusitalo, J., Ojanpera, I.;
Comparison of product ion spectra obtained by liquid chromatography/triple-quadrupole mass spectrometry for library search
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 18 (2004) 1039-1046 - Gill, U.S.;
Evaluation of accuracy and precision in an inter-laboratory comparison of total mercury in hair
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 488-492 - Harte, R., Newman, G., Sargent, M.;
Achieving traceable chemical measurements: Inter-laboratory evaluation of a simplified technique for isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS). Part 1: Methodology for high accuracy analysis of trace metals
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 33-38 - Koch, M.;
Regulatory aspects of proficiency testing: Experience from the water sector
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 684-687 - Koch, M.;
Regulatory aspects of proficiency testing: Experience from the water sector
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 684-687 - Kuselman, I.;
A priori evaluation of the adequacy of reference materials
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 591-596 - Kuselman, I., Pavlichenko, M.;
Designs of experiment for proficiency testing with a limited number of participants
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 387-390 - Lin, L.-C., Tyan, Y.-C., Shih, T.-S., Chang, Y.-C., Liao, P.-C.;
Development and validation of an isotope-dilution electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry method with an on-line sample clean-up device for the quantitative analysis of the benzene exposure biomarker S-phenylmercapturic acid in human urine
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 18 (2004) 1310-1316 - Meier, U.C.;
Application of Nonselective 1D 1H-31P Inverse NMR Spectroscopy to the Screening of Solutions for the Presence of Organophosphorus Compounds Related to the Chemical Weapons Convention
Analytical Chemistry, 76 (2004) 392-398 - Morris, A., Macey, D.;
Laboratory accreditation: Proof of performance for environmental laboratories - 2001 Study
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 52-54 - Nannini, D., Tittarelli, M., Ricci, L., Conte, A., Emidio, B.D.I., Giovannini, A.;
Model proficiency testing scheme for serological diagnosis of brucellosis: Interlaboratory study
Journal of AOAC International, 87 (2004) 965-971 - Ornemark, U., Fostel, H., Straub, R., Van De Kreeke, J.;
Policies, requirements and surveys concerning frequency for participation in proficiency testing schemes
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 729-732 - Papadakis, I., Kessel, R., Van Nevel, L., Norgaard, J., Aregbe, Y., De Smet, M., Smeyers, P., Taylor, P.D.P.;
SI-traceable certification of the IMEP-12 water sample combining contributions from different reference laboratories
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 704-710 - Papadakis, I., Van Nevel, L., Vendelbo, E., Norgaard, J., Taylor, P.;
International Measurement Evaluation Programme (IMEP); IMEP-14: Picturing the performance of analytical laboratories measuring trace elements in sediment
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 615-623 - Quintieri, F., Pugliese, O., Mariani, M., Testi, M., Costa, A.N.;
External proficiency testing exercises on human leukocyte antigen typing in Italy between 1998 and 2002
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 499-502 - Sahuquillo, A., Compano, R., Rubio, R., Rauret, G.;
Inter-comparison exercises as a tool for teaching quality assessment: An experience in Spanish universities
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 259-265 - Sargent, M., Newman, G., Webb, K.;
Achieving traceable chemical measurements: Inter-laboratory evaluation of a simplified technique for isotope dilution mass spectrometry. Part 2. Methodology for high accuracy analysis of organic analytes
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 678-683 - Siekmann, L.;
Establishing measurement traceability in clinical chemistry
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 5-17 - Tamborini, G., Donohue, D.L., Rudenauer, F.G., Betti, M.;
Evaluation of practical sensitivity and useful ion yield for uranium detection by secondary ion mass spectrometry
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 19 (2004) 203-208 - Taverniers, I., De Loose, M., Van Bockstaele, E.;
Trends in quality in the analytical laboratory. II. Analytical method validation and quality assurance
TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 23 (2004) 535-552 - Tholen, D.W.;
Impact of international standards and initiatives on proficiency testing for medical laboratories
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 653-656 - Van Der Veen, A.M.H., Hafkenscheid, T.L.;
Harmonisation of proficiency testing schemes
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 657-661 - Van Egmond, H.P., Jonker, K.M., Poelman, M., Scherpenisse, P., Stern, A.G., Wezenbeek, P., Bergwerff, A.A., Van den Top, H.J.;
Proficiency studies on the determination of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins in shellfish
Food Additives and Contaminants, 21 (2004) 331-340 - Wallin, H.;
The Nordic approach
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 574-575 - Walton, C.;
Bioterrorism: Impact on external quality assessment service delivery
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 9 (2004) 662-665 - Wenzl, T., De La Calle, B., Gatermann, R., Hoenicke, K., Ulberth, F., Anklam, E.;
Evaluation of the results from an inter-laboratory comparison study of the determination of acrylamide in crispbread and butter cookies
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 379 (2004) 449-457 - Wuyts, B., Bernard, D., Van Den Noortgate, N., Van De Walle, J., Van Vlem, B., De Smet, R., De Geeter, F., Vanholder, R., Libeer, J.-C., Delanghe, J.;
The impact of metrological traceability on the validity of creatinine measurement as an index of renal function
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 10 (2004) 15-19 - Becker, R., Nehls, I., Dorgerloh, U.;
Interlaboratory comparisons - Demonstrating degree of equivalence
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 8 (2003) 150-155 - Bettencourt Da Silva, R.J.N., Santos, J.R., Camoes, M.F.G.F.C.;
Evaluation of the analytical method performance for incurred samples
Analytica Chimica Acta, 485 (2003) 241-252 - Cortez, L., Duarte, A., Hundewadt, A., Schmidt, A., Steffen, B., Tholen, D., Fostel, H., Papadakis, I., Del Monte, M.G., Boley, N., Van Berkel, P.M.;
How to interpret information from proficiency test exercises concerning the relative performance of accredited laboratories
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 8 (2003) 511-513 - Cotman, M., Drolc, A., Ros, M.;
An interlaboratory study to improve the quality of chemical and biological measurements in waste water
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 8 (2003) 156-160 - Dreazen, O., Feller, E., Leshno, M.;
Proficiency testing as a tool for assessing the medical and economic impact of laboratory results: The blood coagulation case
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 8 (2003) 291-295 - Garde, A.H., Hansen, A.M., Nikolajsen, T.B.;
An inter-laboratory comparison for determination of cortisol in saliva
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 8 (2003) 16-20 - Hemmerlin, M., Paillard, L., Schotter, G.;
Determination of ultra-low carbon and nitrogen contents in steel: Combustion versus electrical spark source optical emission spectrometry for steelmaking process control
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 18 (2003) 282-286 - Hennekinne, J.-A., Gohier, M., Maire, T., Lapeyre, C., Lombard, B., Dragacci, S.;
First proficiency testing to evaluate the ability of European union national reference laboratories to detect staphylococcal enterotoxins in milk products
Journal of AOAC International, 86 (2003) 332-339 - Hund, E., Massart, D.L., Smeyers-Verbeke, J.;
Comparison of different approaches to estimate the uncertainty of a liquid chromatographic assay
Analytica Chimica Acta, 480 (2003) 39-52 - Lynch, J.M., Barbano, D.M., Healy, P.A., Fleming, J.R.;
Effectiveness of Temperature Modification in Decreasing the Bias in Milk Fat Test Results between the Babcock and Ether Extraction Methods
Journal of AOAC International, 86 (2003) 768-774 - Rosch, M.;
ISTA quality assurance programme - The proficiency test rating system
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 8 (2003) 372-374 - Sengl, M., Krezmer, S.;
Proficiency tests for pharmaceuticals in different waters
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 8 (2003) 523-529 - Augustin, J.C., Carlier, V.;
French laboratory proficiency testing program for food microbiology.
Journal of AOAC International, 85 (2002) 952-959 - Clarke, D.B., Kelly, J., Wilson, L.A.;
Assessment of performance of laboratories in determining acrylamide in crispbread
Journal of AOAC International, 85 (2002) 1370-1373 - Danesi, P.R., Moreno, J., Makarewicz, M., Radecki, Z.;
Residual radioactivity in the terrestrial environment of the Mururoa and Fangataufa Atolls nuclear weapon test sites
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 253 (2002) 53-65 - Fastner, J., Codd, G.A., Metcalf, J.S., Woitke, P., Wiedner, C., Utkilen, H.;
An international intercomparison exercise for the determination of purified microcystin-LR and microcystins in cyanobacterial field material
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 374 (2002) 437-444 - Feinberg, M., Montamat, M., Rivier, C., Lalere, B., Labarraque, G.;
Comparison of strategies to quantify uncertainty of lead measurements in biological tissue at mg kg-1 level
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 7 (2002) 403-408 - Gardner, M., Dobson, J., Miller, B., Allchin, C., McMullan, D., Oliver, T., Wells, D., Hudson, R., Toft, R., Jessep, M.;
Implementation of a "data filter" for the UK National Marine Monitoring Programme
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 7 (2002) 60-65 - Hein, A., Tsolakidou, A., Iliopoulos, I., Mommsen, H., Buxeda i Garrigos, J., Montana, G., Kilikoglou, V.;
Standardisation of elemental analytical techniques applied to provenance studies of archaeological ceramics: An inter laboratory calibration study
Analyst, 127 (2002) 542-553 - Hooijschuur, E.W.J., Hulst, A.G., De Jong, A.L., De Reuver, L.P., Van Krimpen, S.H., Van Baar, B.L.M., Wils, E.R.J., Kientz, C.E., Brinkman, U.A.Th.;
Identification of chemicals related to the chemical weapons convention during an interlaboratory proficiency test
TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 21 (2002) 116-130 - Lowthian, P.J., Thompson, M.;
Bump-hunting for the proficiency tester - Searching for multimodality
Analyst, 127 (2002) 1359-1364 - Makinen, I., Suortti, A.-M., Ponni, S., Huhtala, S.;
Proficiency test on the determination of mineral oil from polluted soils
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 7 (2002) 209-213 - Pallaroni, L., Von Holst, C., Eskilsson, C.S., Bjorklund, E.;
Microwave-assisted extraction of zearalenone from wheat and corn
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 374 (2002) 161-166 - Popovich, B.W.;
Advances for proficiency testing for genetic laboratory science
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 7 (2002) 351-356 - Rabinovitch, A.;
The college of American Pathologists laboratory accreditation program
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 7 (2002) 473-476 - Rej, R.;
Proficiency testing and external quality assurance: Crossing borders and disciplines
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 7 (2002) 335-340 - Seccombe, D.W.;
Applications of the Internet to PT
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 7 (2002) 363-364 - Sysalova, J., Kucera, J., Kotlik, B., Havranek, V.;
Quality control materials for the determination of trace elements in airborne particulate matter
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 373 (2002) 195-199 - Tholen, D.W.;
Improvements in performance in medical diagnostics tests documented by interlaboratory comparison programs
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 7 (2002) 146-152 - Alder, L., Korth, W., Patey, A.L., Van Der Schee, H.A., Schoeneweiss, S.;
Estimation of measurement uncertainty in pesticide residue analysis
Journal of AOAC International, 84 (2001) 1569-1578 - Baldan, A., Van Der Veen, A.M.H., Prau, D., Recknagel, A., Boley, N., Evans, S., Woods, D.;
Economy of proficiency testing: Reference versus consensus values
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 6 (2001) 164-167 - Bettencourt da Silva, R.J.N., Lino, M.J., Ribeiro, A., Santos, J.R.;
Expression of results with uncertainty for the determination of pesticides in melon - Experience in a proficiency test
Analyst, 126 (2001) 743-746 - Fearn, T., Thompson, M.;
A new test for 'sufficient homogeneity'
Analyst, 126 (2001) 1414-1417 - Flinchbaugh, D.A., Crawford, L.F., Bradley, D.;
A model to set measurement quality objectives and to establish measurement uncertainty expectations in analytical chemistry laboratories using ASTM proficiency test data
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 6 (2001) 493-500 - Hill, A.R.C., Von Holst, C.;
Factor transformation to produce statistics describing the uncertainty of analytical data
Analyst, 126 (2001) 2053-2060 - Karpov, Y.A., Arakelian, N.A., Kvin, V.E., Baranovskaya, V.B., Alekseeva, T.Y., Obresumov, V.P., Zhitenko, L.P.;
Proficiency testing on the analytical control of precious metal production
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 6 (2001) 66-71 - Karunasagar, D., Arunachalam, J.;
Determination of cadmium by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry-reduction of molybdenum oxide interferences by addition of acetonitrile
Analytica Chimica Acta, 441 (2001) 291-296 - Klockenkamper, R., Alt, F., Brandt, R., Jakubowski, N., Messerschmidt, J., Von Bohlen, A.;
Results of proficiency testing with regard to sediment analysis by FAAS, ICP-MS and TXRF
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 16 (2001) 658-663 - Koch, M., Metzger, J.W.;
Definition of assigned values for proficiency tests in water analysis
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 6 (2001) 181-185 - Linko, S.;
Automated ion-selective measurement of lithium in serum. A practical approach to result-level verification in a two-way method validation
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 6 (2001) 31-36 - McClure, F.D.;
A statistical model to evaluate analyte homogeneity for a material
Journal of AOAC International, 84 (2001) 947-954 - Turner, S., Van Calsteren, P., Vigier, N., Thomas, L.;
Determination of thorium and uranium isotope ratios in low-concentration geological materials using a fixed multi-collector-ICP-MS
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 16 (2001) 612-615 - Van Der Veen, A.M.H.;
Uncertainty evaluation in proficiency testing: State-of-the-art, challenges, and perspectives
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 6 (2001) 160-163 - Van Der Veen, A.M.H., Horvat, M., Milacic, R., Bucar, T., Repinc, U., Scancar, J., Jacimovic, R.;
Operation of a proficiency testing scheme of trace elements in sewage sludge with reference values
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 6 (2001) 264-268 - Visser, R.G.;
Reference values versus consensus values: A reaction to the article of Baldan et al.
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 6 (2001) 442-443 - Woitke, P., Krener, R., Lepom, P.;
Determination of hydrocarbons in water - Interlaboratory method validation before routine monitoring
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 6 (2001) 173-177 - Zhou, Y., Parsons, P.J., Aldous, K.M., Brockman, P., Slavin, W.;
Atomization of lead from whole blood using novel tungsten filaments in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry
Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry, 16 (2001) 82-89 - De Regge, P., Radecki, Z., Moreno, J., Burns, K., Kis-Benedek, G., Bojanowski, R.;
The IAEA proficiency test on evaluation of methods for 90Sr measurement in a mineral matrix: Preliminary evaluation of sources of bias and measurement uncertainties
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 246 (2000) 511-519 - Horwitz, W., Wood, R.;
Relationship of (known) control values to (unknown) test values in proficiency studies of pesticide residues
Journal of AOAC International, 83 (2000) 399-406 - Hund, E., Massart, D.L., Smeyers-Verbeke, J.;
Inter-laboratory studies in analytical chemistry
Analytica Chimica Acta, 423 (2000) 145-165 - Jorhem, L.;
Traceability and its role in interlaboratory comparisons (proficiency testing programmes), modeled on trace element determination in biological materials
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 5 (2000) 449-450 - Nelson, S.T.;
A simple, practical methodology for routine VSMOW/SLAP normalization of water samples analyzed by continuous flow methods
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 14 (2000) 1044-1046 - Prasad, M.V.R.;
Bioassay quality control at IGCAR, Kalpakkam
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 246 (2000) 719-727 - Squire, S., Ramsey, M.H., Gardner, M.J., Lister, D.;
Sampling proficiency test for the estimation of uncertainty in the spatial delineation of contamination
Analyst, 125 (2000) 2026-2031 - Guillou, C., Koziet, J., Rossmann, A., Martin, G.J.;
Determination of the 13C contents of organic acids and sugars in fruit juices: An inter-comparison study
Analytica Chimica Acta, 388 (1999) 137-143 - Juniper, I.R.;
Quality issues in proficiency testing
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 4 (1999) 336-341 - Li, B., Sun, Y., Yin, M.;
Determination of cerium, neodymium and samarium in biological materials at low levels by isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry, 14 (1999) 1843-1848 - Paneva, V.I., Ponomareva, O.B.;
Quality assurance in analytical measurement
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 4 (1999) 177-184 - Rich, D.C., Martin, D.;
Improved model for improving the inter-instrument agreement of spectrocolorimeters
Analytica Chimica Acta, 380 (1999) 263-276 - Vongbuddhapitak, A., Trucksess, M.W., Atisook, K., Suprasert, D., Horwitz, W.;
Laboratory proficiency testing of aflatoxins in corn and peanuts - A cooperative project between Thailand and the United States
Journal of AOAC International, 82 (1999) 259-263 - Lee, J., Lho, D.-S., Kim, M., Lee, W., Kim, Y.;
Determination of derivatized clenbuterol by use of gas chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry on an ion trap using negative ion chemical ionization
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 12 (1998) 1366-1372 - Meeks, A.M., Giaquinto, J.M., Keller, J.M.;
Application of ICP-MS radionuclide analysis to "Real World" samples of Department of Energy radioactive waste
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 234 (1998) 131-135 - Nassar, A.-E.F., Lucas, S.V., Jones, W.R., Hoffland, L.D.;
Separation of chemical warfare agent degradation products by the reversal of electroosmotic flow in capillary electrophoresis
Analytical Chemistry, 70 (1998) 1085-1091 - Parr, J.L.;
Accreditation for United States environmental laboratories
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 3 (1998) 376-378 - Tholen, D.W.;
Statistical treatment of proficiency testing data
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 3 (1998) 362-366 - Thompson, M., Lowthian, P.J.;
The frequency of rounds in a proficiency test: Does it affect the performance of participants?
Analyst, 123 (1998) 2809-2812 - Uhlig, S., Lischer, P.;
Statistically-based performance characteristics in laboratory performance studies
Analyst, 123 (1998) 167-172 - Yalcin, S., Le, X.C.;
Low pressure chromatographic separation of inorganic arsenic species using solid phase extraction cartridges
Talanta, 47 (1998) 787-796 - Brinkmann, K.;
How to achieve world-wide mutual recognition of calibration and test results - Or: Who accredits the accreditor?
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 2 (1997) 224-233 - Cook, J.M., Robinson, J.J., Chenery, S.R.N., Miles, D.L.;
Determining cadmium in marine sediments by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry: Attacking the problems or the problems with the attack?
Analyst, 122 (1997) 1207-1210 - Gardner, M., Comber, S.;
Sample filtration as a source of error in the determination of trace metals in marine waters
Analyst, 122 (1997) 1029-1032 - Key, P.E., Patey, A.L., Rowling, S., Wilbourn, A., Worner, F.M.;
International Proficiency Testing of Analytical Laboratories for Foods and Feeds from 1990 to 1996: The Experiences of the United Kingdom Food Analysis Performance Assessment Scheme
Journal of AOAC International, 80 (1997) 895-899 - Mundschenk, H.;
Accuracy and reliability of radiometric measurements - Results of a laboratory proficiency test with labelled sediment.
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 2 (1997) 18-29 - Nilsson, T., Ferrari, R., Facchetti, S.;
Inter-laboratory studies for the validation of solid-phase microextraction for the quantitative analysis of volatile organic compounds in aqueous samples
Analytica Chimica Acta, 356 (1997) 113-123 - Thompson, M., Brown, D.W., Ellison, S., Fearn, T., Gardner, M.J., Greenhow, E.J., Howarth, R.J., Michie, N.D., Miller, J.N., Newman, E.J., Ripley, B.D., Williams, A., Wood, R., Wilson, J.J.;
Handling false negatives, false positives and reporting limits in analytical proficiency tests
Analyst, 122 (1997) 495-497 - Thompson, M., Potts, P.J., Webb, P.C., Kane, J.S.;
GeoPT - A proficiency test for geoanalysis
Analyst, 122 (1997) 1249-1254 - Ehrmeyer, S.S., Laessig, R.H.;
Quality (r)evolution - Guidelines and practical implementation of quality management: The U.S. perspective. Presented at Dr. J. C. Libeer's Quality (R)Evolution in Clinical Laboratories European Conference (November 1995, Antwerp, Belgium)
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 1 (1996) 171-175 - Lowthian, P., Thompson, M., Wood, R.;
Use of proficiency tests to assess the comparative performance of analytical methods: The determination of fat in foodstuffs
Analyst, 121 (1996) 977-982 - Martin, G.J., Koziet, J., Rossmann, A., Dennis, J.;
Site-specific natural isotope fractionation in fruit juices determined by deuterium NMR an European inter-laboratory comparison study
Analytica Chimica Acta, 321 (1996) 137-146 - Mesilaakso, M., Tolppa, E.-L.;
Detection of Trace Amounts of Chemical Warfare Agents and Related Compounds in Rubber, Paint, and Soil Samples by 1H and 31P{1H} NMR Spectroscopy
Analytical Chemistry, 68 (1996) 2313-2318 - Tang, S., Parsons, P.J., Slavin, W.;
Rapid and reliable method for the determination of aluminium in bone by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry
Analyst, 121 (1996) 195-200 - Thompson, M., Lowthian, P.J.;
Statistical aspects of proficiency testing in analytical laboratories: Part 3. Confirmatory statistical tests for scheme organisers
Analyst, 121 (1996) 1597-1602 - Thompson, M., Lowthian, P.J.;
Statistical aspects of proficiency testing in analytical laboratories: Part 2. Testing for sufficient homogeneity
Analyst, 121 (1996) 1593-1596 - Thompson, M., Lowthian, P.J.;
Statistical aspects of proficiency testing in analytical laboratories: Part 1. Ranking of participants on scores is misleading
Analyst, 121 (1996) 1589-1592 - Wallin, H.C.;
Why do food analysts need quality assurance?
Accreditation and Quality Assurance, 1 (1996) 163-170
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- Last Updated: Wednesday, 05 February 2025 14:14