Welcome to Eurachem, a network of organisations in Europe having the objective of establishing a system for the international traceability of chemical measurements and the promotion of good quality practices. It provides a forum for the discussion of common problems and for developing an informed and considered approach to both technical and policy issues. It provides a focus for analytical chemistry and quality related issues in Europe.
Eurachem e-News
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The Eurachem Method Validation working Group is pleased to announce the publication of the third edition of the Guide The Fitness for Purpose of Analytical Methods. This third edition is a thorough revision of the 2014 edition and includes guidance on the importance of fitness for purpose, how to carry out validation and verification studies, a discussion of performance characteristics and related topics and much more.
The Eurachem Analytical Equipment and Systems Qualification Working Group has published a new Information Leaflet, "Fitness for the intended use of analytical equipment and systems", introducing the role and handling of analytical equipment and systems in laboratories.
It is crucial to make sure that equipment is fit for its intended use ("qualified"), properly installed, operating correctly, stable and suitably calibrated. This new leaflet forms an introduction to topics being considered by the Analytical Equipment and Systems Qualification Working Group, including the ideas of equipment qualification and fitness for intended use of analytical equipment.
Registration is now open for our May 2025 Workshop on "Complex matrices: Applications, Laboratory standards, and Accreditation". The event is on 26-27 May 2025, in Bucharest, Romania.
The Guide: Quality Assurance for Research and Development and Non-routine Analysis is under review. As part of this process Eurachem is seeking feedback on particular challenges associated with quality assurance in a non-routine environment, and whether the Guide is still needed and should therefore be revised.
Click here https://forms.office.com/e/WRVjKkuGhv to access a short survey to give us your feedback. The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete.
The Eurachem Sampling Uncertainty Working Group and the Method Validation Working group are pleased to announce the release of a new guide on "Validation of measurement procedures that include sampling". The new Guide is a supplement to existing Eurachem guidance on “The Fitness for Purpose of Analytical Methods” (FPAM) and “Measurement Uncertainty arising from Sampling”.