Eurachem Working Groups

Education and Training Working Group

Terms of Reference

  1. The Eurachem Education and Training Working Group (ETWG) has been established and will operate in accordance with the Constitution agreed in the Eurachem Memorandum of Understanding.
  2. The ETWG will attempt to have representatives from each of the Eurachem member countries either as Full Members or as Corresponding Members*.
  3. The ETWG, in accordance with Eurachem policy on Establishment and Operation of Eurachem Working Groups, will appoint a Chair who will serve for a period of 3 years. A Vice-Chair/Secretary will also be appointed by the Working Group to serve for a period of 3 years. Both the Chair and Vice-Chair can be reappointed on completion of their term.
  4. The ETWG will promote the concepts and importance of quality in analytical measurement with a particular focus on the development of guidance on quality management which emphasises metrology.
  5. The ETWG will organise workshops and training events on metrology in chemistry and related quality assurance issues. Members will report on these activities at least annually.
  6. In collaboration with the other Working Groups, the ETWG will regularly review and publish on the Eurachem website a Reading List of references relating to quality assurance for analytical science.
  7. The ETWG will collaborate with other organisations having similar or complementary aims.
  8. The ETWG will meet at least annually, usually at the General Assembly and review progress of projects against the work programme.

* Full members agree to attend meetings and carry out tasks agreed at the annual Working Group meeting

Corresponding members agree to comment on draft papers sent out to the Working Group


Country Member Country Member
Austria W Kandler* Portugal A Mosca
Austria A Rachetti Romania E Eftimie Totu
Austria W Wegscheider* Russia V Baranovskaya*
Cyprus  K Tsimilis Slovakia D Kordik*
Czech Republic D Milde Spain P Morillas Bravo
Georgia N Manvelidze* Türkiye M Bilsel*
Germany M Koch Türkiye O Cankur
Ireland H Gallagher Türkiye P Yolci Ömeroglu
Italy E Gregory United Kingdom V Barwick (Chair)
Italy M Patriarca United Kingdom E Prichard*
Norway E Gjengedal* United Kingdom E Sanchez (Vice-Chair/Sectretary)
Poland E Bulska*    

*Corresponding member




1. Collate and evaluate information on the state of education and training in analytical science in different member countries, with a particular focus on the development of teaching and training materials on quality management which emphasise metrology.

2. Engage with working analytical scientists, experts and other international organisations to contribute to the development of internationally harmonised terminology for analytical chemistry.

3. Contribute to the development and delivery of education and training in chemical metrology and quality assurance for both analytical scientists and the broader community by producing freely available materials. Current activities are:

3. In collaboration with other WGs, prepare short videos for the Eurachem YouTube channel to address and explain challenging topics in the field of metrology in chemistry.

4. Organise workshops in metrology in chemistry which bring together academic staff, industrial scientists, instrument manufacturers and students.

Specific projects in each area will be agreed at the Working Group meetings. Each work package will have a group of members identified in the Minutes to carry the project forward.

