Metrological Traceability in Chemical Measurement - 2nd Edition (2019)


TrcFig2ttl 366x215This Guide gives detailed guidance for the establishment of metrological traceability in quantitative chemical analysis, based on the definition in the international vocabulary of basic and general terms in metrology (VIM). Though it is aimed principally at testing and measurement laboratories carrying out chemical measurement, the principles are expected to apply from routine analysis to basic research. The document is intended to assist laboratories in meeting the requirements on traceability of results given in ISO/IEC 17025.

This second edition amends the Guide to reflect revised terminology introduced in the third edition of the International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM). Detailed discussion of the VIM terminology can be found in the Eurachem Guide “Terminology in Analytical Measurement: Introduction to VIM 3”.


You may download the guide directly from this website at no cost.

A Czech translation of the 2nd edition is also available as a part of the Eurachem.CZ guide "KVALIMETRIE 24", available at


This publication should be cited as follows*:

S L R Ellison and A Williams (Eds) Eurachem/CITAC Guide: Metrological traceability in chemical measurement
(2nd ed. 2019). ISBN: 978-0-948926-34-1. Available from

*Subject to journal requirements


Translation into other languages is permitted for members of Eurachem. Other offers of translation should be directed to the Eurachem Secretariat for permission. The Eurachem policy on maintenance and development of Eurachem guidance, available on the Policies page, gives further information on translation.