Survey - Understanding metrological traceability


WebPageCTS 380x524This Eurachem Report provides a graphical summary of 'check box' responses received to a voluntary online survey conducted in 2019.The survey sought to establish extent of consensus, or otherwise, on the following issues:

  • The extent to which validation and QC materials (as distinct from calibration materials) provide metrological traceability.
  • The effect of ‘recalibration’ – use of a secondary material to correct a measurement result from a system that has already been calibrated.
  • Metrological traceability for reference values obtained by interlaboratory study – a common practice in certification of natural matrix reference materials.

The survey was scenario-based. Technical questions each presented a practical scenario with a short set of questions relating to metrological traceability and measurement uncertainty.

The survey was conducted online in January 2019, with responses invited by email and via social media. The primary audience was analytical chemists contacted via Eurachem national in international networks. A link to the survey was also distributed directly to available national measurement institute contacts. Contribution from other fields of measurement was invited.

The report below provides a summary of responses to direct choice questions, without critical appraisal or comment. Cross-tabulation by technical sector (e.g. chemistry, electrical measurement) and by institute function (Academic, Testing laboratory, etc) are also included. Free text entry was possible but the responses are not included in the summary. 



* Report (v2) first published 2022-10-27. Editorial update (v3) (formatting only) 2024-05-31


Citation of refereed publications (see below) relating to this study are preferred. Where reference to this document is intended, this document should be cited* as:

"S. L. R. Ellison (ed). Eurachem Report: Understanding Metrological Traceability – A Eurachem Survey (Summary), October 2022. Available from"

* Subject to journal requirements

Related publications

A publication including critical appraisal and conclusions is planned; a link will be provided when available.