Publication Archive

The Fitness for Purpose of Analytical Methods (1998)

NOTE: This version of "The Fitness for Purpose of Analytical Methods: A Laboratory Guide to Method Validation and Related Topics" has been superseded by the Second Edition, published in 2014. The second edition can be found here.

Full title

The Fitness for Purpose of Analytical Methods: A Laboratory Guide to Method Validation and Related Topics (1998)


This guide was produced by a correspondence group comprising mainly Eurachem members. A number of papers have been published promoting validation at a policy level. Others give guidance on validation for particular applications and the use of interlaboratory trials. The Eurachem guide aims to fill the gap in between by providing guidance on the various elements of validation (when methods should be validated, who carries out the validation, how methods should be validated, use of blanks, standards and replication) and is directed primarily towards within-laboratory method validation. Related issues are also dealt with: use of validated methods; designing quality control from validation data; implications of validation data for reporting; and documentation of methods. The guide contains an extensive bibliography including sector specific guidance and annexes list officially recognised definitions and a protocol for method documentation.


English language versions (edition 1.0 1998) are available in hard copy from LGC via the UK NMS ChemBio website. Alternatively, you may download the guide from this website (pdf, 236 kB).


This guide has been translated into Czech, Japanese*, Lithuanian, and Polish. For details please contact the Eurachem representative in the respective country or the Eurachem Secretariat.

* Translation no longer available