Publication Archive

Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Measurement, 1st Edition (1995)

NOTE: This version of "Quantifying Uncertainty in Analytical Chemistry has been superseded by the Third Edition, published in 2012. The third edition can be found here.


This guide was produced by the EURACHEM Measurement Uncertainty Working Group. Production of the guide was in part supported under the contract with the UK Department of Trade and Industry as part of the National Measurement System Valid Analytical Measurement (VAM) Programme.

This first version of the guide, which was published in 1995, implements the provisions of the ISO "Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement". The guide shows how the concepts in the ISO Guide may be applied in chemical measurement. The document first gives an introduction to the concept of uncertainty and the distinction between uncertainty and error. This is followed by a description of the steps involved in the
evaluation of uncertainty.


The first edition of this guide was originally published in hard copy only. A PDF reprint, available at the link below, was prepared in 2022 for historical interest.

NOTE: This reprint is provided for historical interest only. Although printed from original source files, some editorial corrections have been made for compatibility with more recent software versions. Some formulae were re-created and there are minor changes in layout and pagination. As a result, no guarantee can be given that the contents are identical in all respects to the hard copy published in 1995.


This first edition was translated into Czech, Lithuanian, Russian and Spanish. Electronic versions are not currently available on this website.