Completed events

Quality Assurance Challenges of Measurements from Field to Laboratory with a Focus on ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Requirements

The workshop was kindly hosted by the Georgian Laboratory Association (GeLab), in conjunction with the 2022 Eurachem General Assembly.

The workshop was run online over three days. Over 120 participants attended, from 33 countries.The workshop addressed current practices, challenges, and future recommendations on quality assurance of physochemical and microbiological measurement methods and their validation, including sampling-related issues.

The separate pages below give details of the workshop arrangements and programme, and available presentation material can be found on the Presentations and Posters tabs below.

The workshop was kindly hosted by the Georgian Laboratory Association (GeLab), in conjunction with the 2022 Eurachem General Assembly.

The workshop was run online over three days. Over 120 participants attended, from 33 countries.The workshop addressed current practices, challenges, and future recommendations on quality assurance of physochemical and microbiological measurement methods and their validation, including sampling-related issues.

The separate pages below give details of the workshop arrangements and programme, and available presentation material can be found on the Presentations and Posters tabs below.

General information

Workshop information

Date: 16-18 May 2022
Host: Georgian Laboratory Association (GeLab)
Venue: Online
Information: First announcement (updated 1 Feb 2022)
  Second announcement
Programme Scientific Workshop programme (PDF)
Registration: Registration for this event is closed


Workshop aims

Workshop Aims

This workshop was intended to be of direct relevance to anyone who is focused on the quality of analytical measurements and the reliability of decisions based on test results in accordance with ISO/IEC17025 requirements, taking into account the influence of factors that exist outside the laboratory environment. Such factors are mainly related to sampling or on-site measurements, and occur in the daily life of laboratories operating in many different fields such as food and beverages, health, environment, forensics, pharmaceuticals, etc.



Note: Times are provisional, and in Central European Summer Time. Check the Event website for final schedule.

Monday – 16th May 2022 11:00 - 15:30

GeLab representative Opening of the workshop
Vicki Barwick
(Eurachem Chair, UK)
Introduction to Eurachem and its activities [1.6 MB]
David Milde (Czech Republic) Activities of the Eurachem Education and Training Working Group [1 MB]
Kyriacos Tsimillis (Cyprus) Revision of Eurachem Guides in relation to ISO/IEC 17025 - Developments in the revision of ISO 15189 [1 MB]
Brian Brookman (UK) Introduction to PT and the revision of ISO/IEC 17043 [360 kB]
Turkan Abbasova (Azerbaijan) Quality control activities in microbiological food testing including PT tests and the relevant interpretations [208 kB]
POSTER SESSION See "Posters" tab
Marina Patriarca (Italy) Breakout session I – Selection and use of certified reference materials
Brian Brookman (UK) Breakout session II – Proficiency Testing
Conclusions of breakout sessions

Tuesday – 17th May 2022 11:00 - 15:10

Ricardo Bettencourt da Silva (Portugal) Assessment of performance and uncertainty for qualitative analysis [1.2 MB]
Stephen Ellison (UK) Use of uncertainty in compliance assessment [1.5 MB]
Bertil Magnusson (Sweden) Evaluating uncertainty for microbiological methods (approach in ISO 29201:2012 Water quality — The variability of test results and the uncertainty of measurement of microbiological enumeration methods) [1 MB]
Lorens Sibbesen (Denmark) Method validation - overview of accreditation requirements [610 KB]
POSTER SESSION See "Posters" tab
Vicki Barwick (UK) Planning validation studies [700 kB]
Imeda Rubashvili (Georgia) Validation and estimation of measurement uncertainty of a new HPLC method for quantitative determination of hesperidin extracted from citrus peel [1.1 MB]
Ani Grigoryan (Armenia) ISO/IEC 17025:2017 requirements for in-house methods and sampling errors during the validation process by GC-MS [1.1 MB]
Nikoloz Shakulashvili (Georgia) From field to laboratory for scientific research (Challenges related to sampling and transportation)

Wednesday – 18th May 2022 11:00 - 15:20

Ricardo Bettencourt da Silva (Portugal) Use of in-house method validation data in uncertainty estimation (the ‘top down’ vs ‘bottom up’ approaches) [1.4 MB]
Mike Ramsey (UK) Overview of uncertainty from sampling [1.4 MB]
Teo Khuchua (Georgia) Difficulties of sampling  petroleum products in non-standard conditions [860 kB]
Giga Kvartskhava, Tamar Sachaneli (Georgia) Sampling technique of graphene oxide-based nano metal composites and their influence on pathogenic microorganisms [1.5 MB]
Giorgi Ghambashidze (Georgia) Impact of soil sampling on results of laboratory analysis [1 MB]
POSTER SESSION See "Posters" tab
Stephen Ellison (UK),
Bertil Magnusson (Sweden)
Breakout session III – Uncertainty & compliance assessment
Lorens Sibbesen (Denmark),
Mike Ramsey (UK)
Breakout session IV – Validation of sampling procedures
Conclusions of breakout sessions




The workshop was supported by the Global Quality and Standards Programme (GQSP), implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), funded by Switzerland through the State Secretariat for
Economic Affairs (SECO).

QuoData Quality and Statistics kindly supported an additional online networking session.

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