Recent news

News items include website updates and recent news of Eurachem events and activities.

Sampling uncertainty guide now available in German

UfS Italian Cover with UfS Eurachem-CITAC cover

ESThanks to our colleagues in Germany, our working group on Uncertainty from Sampling are pleased to announce the availability of a German translation of the 2nd edition of the Eurachem/CITAC Guide "Measurement Uncertainty Arising from Sampling".

The Guide describes various methods that can be used to estimate the uncertainties arising from the processes of sampling and the physical preparation of samples. It is intended primarily for specialists such as sampling planners and for analytical chemists who need to estimate the uncertainty associated with their measurement results.

Download the Guide here >>

PT Working group initiates survey on scoring for non-quantitative PT

The Eurachem PT working group is conducting a survey to collect information on the current practice applied by PT/EQA providers for the evaluation of participants’ performance in qualitative and interpretative PT/EQA, with the aim to review current practices, identify elements for harmonization and provide guidance on this issue.

Read more: PT Working group initiates survey on scoring for non-quantitative PT

Four PT information leaflets additionally available in Farsi

Composite information leafet image

Thanks to more hard work by our colleagues in Iran, the Eurachem PT working group is pleased to say that four of our recently updated information leaflets on PT are now also available in Farsi. The new Farsi translations are the introductory leaflet "Proficiency testing", and the leaflets "Selecting the right proficiency testing scheme for my laboratory", "How to investigate poor performance in proficiency testing" and "Let's call a PT scheme a PT scheme!".

Find all our Information Leaflets here >>

Eurachem Reading List updated

The Eurachem Education and Training WG have updated the popular Eurachem Reading List. The list provides a collection of key references on metrology in chemistry and quality assurance. The list includes websites, standards, guides and books as well as refereed literature. For the first time, the list also now includes selected software. The reading list is available in both PDF and on-line HTML formats.

Browse the reading list >>

Updated terminology leaflet released

Scientists disagreeing on terminology

The Eurachem Education and Training working group has released an updated version of our information leaflet, "You talk, we understand – The way out of the tower of Babel". The leaflet highlights some terms which are commonly confused or misunderstood and introduces the Eurachem Guide on Terminology in Analytical Measurement.

This second edition updates the leaflet to align with the latest edition of our Guide "Terminology in Analytical Measurement: Introduction to VIM 3", published in 2023.

Download the revised leaflet here >>

Third edition of "Accreditation for Microbiological Laboratories" published.

Micro plate. Original image credit: CDC

Eurachem are pleased to announce that, thanks to the work of an ad-hoc working group on microbiology, a substantially revised third edition of our Guide "Accreditation for Microbiological Laboratories" is now available from this website.

The aim of this guide is to provide microbiological laboratories with guidance on how to fulfil the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. The content will also be useful for organisations seeking accreditation or certification against the requirements of standards such as ISO 15189, GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) , GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), and GCP (Good Clinical Practice)).

Read more: Third edition of "Accreditation for Microbiological Laboratories" published.