Recent news

News items include website updates and recent news of Eurachem events and activities.

Online event - Discussion Forum on the Validity/Validation of Sampling Procedures

Eurachem and EUROLAB are pleased to announce an online discussion event on the topic of Validation of Sampling Procedures.

At this open event, Eurachem and Eurolap invite everybody with an interest/experience in the field of taking primary samples for the purpose of having them tested in an analytical laboratory to contribute with their views on the subject.

Read more: Online event - Discussion Forum on the Validity/Validation of Sampling Procedures

Eurachem 2021/22 Newsletter available for download

Newsletter cover image

The Winter 2021-22 Eurachem Newsletter is now available to download in PDF format [6 Mb]. Printed copies will also be available through National members.This issue includes articles on updated Eurachem guides and leaflets, news from our working groups and national Eurachem members, workshop summaries, and the results of our website user survey.

Previous newsletters can be found on the Newsletter page.

Eurachem PT Workshop - Information for 2023

Owing to continuing uncertainty about global travel restrictions through 2023, Eurachem have regretfully decided to further defer the 10th Eurachem Workshop on Proficiency Testing in Analytical Chemistry, Microbiology and Laboratory Medicine.

The workshop will now be held in Windsor, UK, on 25-28 September 2023. We hope that this will make for a more useful and successful workshop for all the participants.

We are also pleased to say that registration for the 2023 event is now open on the conference website.

Read more about the workshop >>

Eurachem Executive Committee statement on the invasion of Ukraine

The Eurachem Executive has made the following statement regarding the military action in Ukraine:

"The Eurachem Executive condemns war in any form and is deeply concerned and saddened by the invasion of Ukraine. Our thoughts are first and foremost for the safety of our colleagues in Ukraine and their families, but also with all members of the Eurachem community who are affected by the war.

We acknowledge that the current circumstances may hinder collaboration among our members. However, as a scientific community promoting the international agreement of measurement results, we recognise the importance of collaboration across borders and remain open to all members to continue to contribute to our aim of being a focus for analytical chemistry in Europe.

Vicki Barwick,
Eurachem Chair
On behalf of the Eurachem Executive Committee”

May 2022 Eurachem workshop on ISO/IEC 17025 requirements - First Circular Available

Tbilisi cathedral - thumbnail

The first circular for the May 2022 Eurachem workshop on "Quality Assurance Challenges of Measurements from Field to Laboratory with a Focus on ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Requirements", hosted online by the Georgian Laboratory Association (GeLab), is now available. The workshop will address current practices, challenges, and future recommendations on quality assurance of physicochemical and microbiological measurement methods and their validation, including sampling-related issues.

Download the circular here >>

Leaflet introducing Validation now in Farsi

Extract of validation flowchart

Thanks to our colleagues in Iran, the Eurachem method Validation Working group is pleased to announce the publication of a Farsi translation of the Information Leaflet introducing method validation.  The new leaflet gives a brief introduction to the overall process of validation, shows the key performance characteristics to be studied, and provides pointers to more detailed guidance.

Download the new leaflet here >>

Eurachem and Europe Section of AOAC International sign Memorandum of Understanding

Eurachem and the Europe Section of AOAC International are pleased to announce that on 25 November 2021, Vicki Barwick (Eurachem Chair) and Dr Thomas Gude (President of Europe Section of AOAC International) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), with the aim of fostering closer links and providing opportunities for collaboration between the two organisations.

Read more: Eurachem and Europe Section of AOAC International sign Memorandum of Understanding