Recent news

News items include website updates and recent news of Eurachem events and activities.

IUPAC/CITAC Workshop on Quality of Test Results for Conformity Assessment

Isranalytica2019LogoCITAC, in conjunction with IUPAC, are pleased to announce the IUPAC/CITAC Workshop on "Quality of Test Results for Conformity Assessment
of a Chemical Composition: What is Good and What is Bad?"

The main goal of the workshop is discussion of the quality parameters of test (chemical analytical) results in pharmaceutical industry, environmental analysis, metallurgy and other fields, necessary for conformity assessment of a material or object.

Read more: IUPAC/CITAC Workshop on Quality of Test Results for Conformity Assessment

New Eurachem leaflet on ISO/IEC 17025:2017

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The Eurachem Education and training Working Group has published a new Information leaflet giving an overview of the main changes in the 2017 version of ISO/IEC 17025 - General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. The new Standard has a revised structure, including different management system options. There is a new emphasis on "risks and opportunities", clearer reference to sampling activities, new requirements around conformity assessment and a new emphasis on metrological traceability.

The new leaflet is currently available in English, Spanish and Bulgarian, with other translations planned.

Download the leaflet here >>

New Eurachem leaflet on Target Measurement Uncertainty

orange tree 90Measurement results are only fit for purpose if the measurement uncertainty (MU) is reliable and has a magnitude small enough for the intended use. The Eurachem measurement uncertainty and traceability working group has now released a new information leaflet, "Setting Target Measurement Uncertainty", giving a short introduction to importance of the topic.

Download the leaflet here >>

Eurachem new Chairs and Secretariat

David Milde hands over to the new Chair, Marina PatriarcaAt the 34th Eurachem General Assembly in Dublin, the Chair, David Milde (Czech Republic) handed over the Chairmanship to the Vice-Chair, Marina Patriarca of Italy. At the same time, the General Assembly elected Vicki Barwick (UK) as the new Vice-Chair, each for a two year term. The Eurachem Secretariat was handed over to Francesca Rolle, Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (Italy).

Read more: Eurachem new Chairs and Secretariat

Feedback invited on Eurachem Validation Guide

The Eurachem Method Validation WG invites public comment on the present version of the "Fitness for Purpose" guide (Ed. 2, 2014), with a view to developing future guidance. Comments can be provided using the Feedback form (off-site link), or by following the same link on the Validation WG page. FormPic200